I am writing to you all to give you my healthy lifestyle low-down. Grab some snacks! (healthy ones of course, and let's get started!)
Let's back track slightly, I started my blog in January! (Eek - that feels like ages ago now) which is where we set our goals for the year ahead and let's be honest how many of us can openly say - YES I did it, I smashed them all! If you can, then you are an amazing person because until this year, (well, the 5 month mark I'm going strong!!) I've never been able to stick to them, until this year!
Since my last post, not much has changed in the terms of my perception with loosing weight; I am not on a 'quick' diet I am on a weight loss and healthier life style journey.
Whilst loosing weight and feeling more body confident has made my overall confidence improve massively, I cannot help but mention how I feel inside. I am so much more healthier, and fitter. My skin now only has about 2 blemishes, whereas before I was always run down, with lot's of spots and piling on the pounds! I now prefer fruit to unhealthy snacks... I don't care if I was never to drink a full fat coke again, and I don't crave takeaways. This wasn't easy, and it didn't happen overnight! But, when you fuel your body with goodness your body is not dependent on those foods and will slowly stop craving them.
I am still taking Juice Plus products I have 2X shakes a day either Vanilla or Chocolate flavouring and these are plant-based shakes. My new favourite is the Chocolate shakes they are so yummy and filling! I have changed from using semi-skimmed milk to water and adding ice, as with the hotter weather coming up it's so refreshing having an ice cold shake rather than a thick shake. I also take boosters before my meals, to help reduce the calorie intake and I take the premium capsules to fuel my body with lots of fruit, berries and veg. Alongside these products I have had healthy salads for lunch (with my Dad's home grown lettuce and radishes! they are so delicious and fresh!) and select healthy choices for a snack, such as; fruit - bananas release a good amount of energy and are perfect for on the go! I work in an office fast-paced environment so shakes and no-fuss snacks are fab for me. A very simple tip, which we should all do more of is drinking water! It has so many health benefits, and you should drink a pint of water before snacking it's advised, as a lot of the time it's our bodies telling us we're thirsty and not hungry - so before you pick up that chocolate bar, drink some water first and see if you still crave it. Oh and I almost forgot, I still detox my body with green-tea 6 months ago I hated it, now I love it. I drink either the pure green tea or an immune boost green tea.
My Progress Photographs:
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Beginning of 2017 - May |
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Weight loss plaque / tracker
So you've seen my progress photograph's and hopefully you can see my weight loss in the body and face photo's? you have also been advised of my diet changes, alongside this I have been working out at the gym. I aim to go a minimum of 3 days a week and I do anything from 1-2.5 hour gym sessions. I still focus on cardio as I am trying to loose weight. So the exercise machines I use are; the running machine, the arm exercise bike, inner and outer thigh exercise machine. I also use the punch bag, light weights but a lot of reps for arm workouts and use the abb machine. At work, a few of the girls and I set ourselves the 30 day squat challenge which is essentially a few rest days and increase in the amount of squats up to 230 squats on day 30. Search for workout challenges on google if you're struggling for motivation as there are so many out there! I also use my hand-painted weight loss plaque to keep me on track, I monitor/track my weight every Thursday and add it to my plaque and then on minus how many pounds I need to loose until I am where I want to be on the lbs. to loose in total section. You can purchase yours from here mine is tailored to the wallpaper in my room! - https://www.facebook.com/AnnabellasbyJosie/
Overall, I am very pleased with my progression and in just under 3 weeks I have lost my first stone! How amazing is that? I now look forward to continuing to loose weight and live a healthier life style. I noticed that my down-fall would always be over the weekends, because eating out is fun, and chilling out is too - but since I have continued my diet 7 days a week rather than just 5 I have seen a greater improvement and quicker results.I will check back in soon with another progress report and to tell you about my journey but for now follow me on social media - links in the down bar of my blog to see my progress! I have both Facebook & Instagram.
*Disclaimer - I am not a health nutrionist just an average 20 year old girl who has worked extremely hard recently and wanted to share with you all what has worked for me. I get a lot of messages on a weekly basis from fellow beauties asking me how I've lost the weight I have so far and quickly, and although I reply to them individually I hope this post can reach out and hep others too. I did between 2-3 month's worth of research before setting a diet, meal plan and gym regime in place before starting, so please ensure you do research also as your health is very important. In my personal opinion, hard work and determination, diet change and exercise will be the triggering factor for you to see results (if you want them)*
I hope you enjoyed this post, as my last lifestyle post is one of my top 3 posts to date.
Love Beauty with Em oxo
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