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Sunday, 14 May 2017

Express Yourself Beautiful | #GIRLSMOUTH

Hello beauties,

I have recently discovered a new Facebook group called girlsmouth which
empowers women all around the world and represents girl power. This is the hottest group to be in at the moment.


If you've been hiding under a rock over the last month or so, and haven't heard about this group - firstly, where have you been?!?! and secondly, let me give you my low-down of the page which you just need to be apart of so you don't miss anymore!

Girlsmouth is an invite only Facebook page for girls over the age of 16+ to discuss
endless of burning hot topics such as being able to 'rant about your mother-in-law' or ask other girls opinions about 'your other half playing the XBOX 24/7' to simply girls asking for advice about their outfit choice for a party, relationship guidance or simply having a rant about something you want to get off your chest! With thousands of girls tuning in across the UK and expanding worldwide you're always bound to get a response - no matter what time you post! For a girl that loves social media and a gossip this page is guaranteed to be your cup of tea.

I recently caught up with the Creator of GIRLSMOUTH - Chloe Todd from Colchester, Essex who talks about her fast growing page: "I started the page just thinking it would be a nice place for girls around the area to talk about common intrest and get to know each other a little more. Little did I know how big it would get in such a short space of time"

 I am all for empowering and supporting women, and I've found this page amazing for boosting self-esteem. I have connected with other girls on this page too; seeing the confidence of other women, and listening to girls being each others support mechanism and helping one another is such a lovely sight to see. In more times than we care to imagine, girls would rather put each other down than praise each other, however on this page it promotes moving away from that stigma and aims to be a positive place.
If you have a burning question or statement or maybe just in need of advice, but you only want to be heard and not seen, the page allows you to do so and  post anonymously - this allows girls to gain the advice that they need and use social media positively if they have no-one else to talk to, it really does express just how powerful Facebook can be.

To join the girly community get yourself invited!

Facebook member count - 40,096

If you want to express yourself, meet new friends and to embrace truly how amazing women are then this is the place to do it. It's an amazing feeling when a girl you don't know wishes you good luck with weight loss, or asks you for tips! I've been so hooked to my phone since joining this page, constantly refreshing the comments of the engaging posts which leave you on a cliff hanger and wanting more. There is always something new going on, from helping a girl pick her baby name, to charity events, it's literally endless excitement. Since I've been a member I go onto the page every day - and sometimes, every hour. You know, a girl gotta keep up with the gossip! 

*DISCLAIMER* - Chloe Todd and page admins recently posted, reaching out to bloggers asking if they would like to give their own review of the page and in return are able to post their blog link to the Girlsmouth page.  All opinion/thoughts in this post are my own.

Love Beauty with Em oxo

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