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Friday 17 March 2017

NEW Hair | Hair Update

Hiya everyone,

I have another blog post for you all - everything HAIR related - yay! One of my favourite ways of
pampering myself, going into the salon to see my beautiful hairdresser Calley and get my princess hair back.

I spent over 3 hours in the salon getting my hair done today, and as I sat down in the chair, where the magic happens, I spoke to Calley about taking some before and after pictures so I could share it with you all on my blog, and of course she was more than happy to do this.


We were reminiscing today about my hair journey as I have been going to Calley since I was 14 years old! (and now I'm 20!) so 6 years now, I've gone from light brown, to dark brown, to a half head of blonde highlights which brown underneath to a blondie with full head highlights - this is my favourite hair style/colour I've ever had!

I think I can talk for every girl out there, when I say that choosing your hairdresser is a very hard decision to make. I looked for someone who was young (as when I was 14, I wanted to be 'in' with the crowd and have a side fringe), I wanted someone who would be honest with me and tell me what will work, and what won't and someone who has a real passion for the end result to be perfect, so basically a perfectionist, and of course someone who is up for a good old chinwag... and in year 9 I found that very person, my Mum and I have the same hairdresser! How long have you been faithful to your hairdresser for? Mine is 6 years - that's longer than some marriages nowadays! ;)

If you're interested in how I got my hair like this, be sure to contact Calley! I get a full head of blonde highlights and we add a toner during the shampoo/conditioner stage to prevent brassiness etc.

Hair by Calley at Clarisa's:

Before, During & After

A few snaps inside the salon today
I hope you've enjoyed virtually coming along with me to the salon today - I had a lovely time nattering away and drinking tea in a cup and saucer and reading a whole load of magazines - I caught up on all the gossip, regarding BeyoncĂ© having twins. celeb weddings and even Liam Paynes new tat. I love the feeling after getting my hair done, I have been very vain taken a lot of photos, and keep catching my hair in the mirror and smiling! I hope you get this feeling too when you pamper yourself.
Love Em xox

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